Wednesday, 13 March 2013

STORY BEHIND THE WORD:                                                                          


Some of u who speak Arabic would know that al zahr in Arabic means dice.And the rest of us now.u realise al zahr and hazard sound similar.The Western Europe called all the games(including gambling) that use a die by this name.since there is a chance of getting conned in gambling,this word became a synonym to danger.

Some people tend to make funny statements simply by using inappropriate words by mistake becoz those words are similar to the words they intended to tell.English names those funny statements as malapropism.

1)Good punctuation means not to be late.
2)Isn't that an expensive pendulum around that man's neck?(pendulum for pendant)
3)He had to use fire distinguisher.

If u care for some History,this word is derived from the name of the character 'Mrs.Malaprop' created by Richard Brinsley Sheridan in 'The rivals'.
Still if u r in the mood of hearing some more,malapropism is almost same as dogburryism and this word dogburryism is derived from the name of the character Officer Dogburry created by Shakespeare.

Now malapropisms of Mrs.Malprop:
1)Oh! It gives me the hydrostatics to such a degree.(for hysterisis)
2) illiterate him,I say, quite from yr memory.(obliterate)
For more, pls google for malapropisms.

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