Tuesday, 16 April 2013


                              NEW WORDS FOR PROFESSIONALS
It may happen that there could be more people allocated for that job so that each one gets a very small part of the task and so the salary.He/she just becomes a one of the crowd working.

Safe shake
Touching each other’s elbows with a gentle hit like doing cheers with wine glass. That way,it is more hygienic and safer.

To earn more money and name and to keep up what is earned, it seems some people themselves develop a desire to work for longer time.

Just a word you already might have heard.
IT companies upgrade software versions and upskill the employees.And in course of time, both are outdated.

Viral marketing
A marketing strategy in which the customers’ circle of friends and family are targeted by making the acquired customers talk good of the products and services.

Work -life overload
Newly coined word for the sum of work overload and life’s own difficulties.

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