Names as words:
Ready to hear some
political history?Elbridge Gerry was the governor of Massachusetts.In March
1812 or at the time of election he redistricted that state and it favoured his
party.They won.The redistricted place when mapped looked like a dragon,like a
lizard-like creature,like a salamander.From his name and the word
"salamander"they coined the term gerrymander that means redistricting
for some political favour.
Hobson's choice:
Long back,
somewhere near Cambridge university,there lived a man called Hobson.He led a
successful life by renting horses to the people mostly students.Lots of
customers came to him for hiring horses because they thought they had a wide
variety of choices looking at the horses in his shop.wait!Don't guess the
meaning of Hobson's choice now.Back to the story,they did not have as many
choices as the no. of horses stood there.Hodson would choose a horse and make
it stand near the entance.And the customers could only take that horse.So he
could serve all men equally and prevent the horses from overusing.Now guess the
answer for Hobson's choice and look below:
Hobson's choice=this or none.
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